IBEW 1837 News

December 14, 2022 - IBEW 1837 members at the Kittery Water District have ratified a new 2-year contract agreement with improvements in wages and benefits and without any concessions. The District’s trustees, who actively participated in the negotiations along with the District Superintendent, must formally approve the agreement when they meet on December 21.

“We’re grateful to negotiating team members Linda Johnson, Matthew Crosby, and Brandon Woods for the time and effort they put into negotiating an excellent contract,” said IBEW 1837 Organizer and Business Representative Matt Beck. “To their credit, the Trustees recognized the value of their employees and wanted to ensure that the Kittery Water District continues to be an attractive place to work.”

IBEW 1837 Business Manager Tony Sapienza also participated in the contract bargaining along with Brother Beck.

The 2-year contract agreement includes $2.00 per hour wage increases in each year and maintains 100% health insurance coverage paid for by the Kittery Water District. Other improvements include larger longevity pay increases, increased boot allowances, new mileage and toll reimbursements for use of personal vehicles for District business and an additional personal day added to recognized holidays. 

The 15 workers at the Kittery Water District include office staff, filtration plant workers, laborers, meter readers, service technicians and others.

Kittery Water District Service Technician Matthew Crosby casts his contract vote ballot in the District’s garage.


New Mailing Address for IBEW Local #1837 Maine Office

We haven’t moved but we are now asking everyone to direct USPS mail to our new P.O. Box. Please send U.S.mail to IBEW Local #1837, P.O. Box 457, Manchester, ME 04351. And don’t forget to update your mailing address, email addresses, or phone numbers if they change by calling the union office at 207-623-1030 or email union@ibew1837.org.

New E-Board Members Join Leadership Team

June 30, 2022 - IBEW 1837 members at Sea-3 approved a two-year contract in June with 5% wage increases each year, July 2022 and July 2023. The agreement includes Sunday premium increases to $10 per hour and boot allowance increases to $150 per year. There are no changes to the health plan and the cost sharing. 

The sick plan is changing to a personal day plan. There will also be a transition from the existing pension savings plan into the union-sponsored National Electrical Annuity Plan.

IBEW 1837 members at CBS affiliate WABI-TV approved a new 18-month agreement with 2½% increases in January 2022 and in January 2023. Some members also received wage adjustments.

“I’m grateful to Assistant Business Manager Renee Gilman for her assistance during these negotiations as well as union member Jordan Verge from WABI-TV,” said IBEW 1837 Organizer and Business Representative Matt Beck.

President Joe Biden electrified the IBEW Convention in Chicago on May 11, drawing thunderous cheers for infrastructure 

April 20, 2022 - IBEW Local Union #1837 members at the electric utility serving a large swath of northern and eastern Maine have approved a two-year contract extension offer with pay increases for all classifications and no change in their health insurance premiums or other benefits for the term of  the extension.

March 4, 2022 - Kitty Kilroy has been appointed as a new Business Representative for IBEW Local #1837. Sister Kilroy will have many responsibilities including staffing our Dover, New Hampshire office, following the retirement of Sue Ekola, our secretary for the past 24 years.

“I’m proud to work for the union. I’ve always been honored to be asked to represent people and proud that people have faith in me,” Kilroy said. “I look forward to putting our members first and helping them fight the good fight.” 

Inside Summer 2022 issue of The Current:

Contracts Ratified for Versant Power, WGME-TV, WABI-TV, and Sea-3

Kitty Kilroy Appointed IBEW 1837 Business Representative and Sue Ekola Retires

Quick Notes and Announcements 

Friends, I’m excited to announce to everyone that as much as I love retirement, I’ve decided to get involved with something else I care deeply about: Central Maine Power, Versant Power (Bangor Hydro), their employees and the Maine ratepayers, not necessarily in that order.
