December 14, 2022 - IBEW 1837 members at the Kittery Water District have ratified a new 2-year contract agreement with improvements in wages and benefits and without any concessions. The District’s trustees, who actively participated in the negotiations along with the District Superintendent, must formally approve the agreement when they meet on December 21.
“We’re grateful to negotiating team members Linda Johnson, Matthew Crosby, and Brandon Woods for the time and effort they put into negotiating an excellent contract,” said IBEW 1837 Organizer and Business Representative Matt Beck. “To their credit, the Trustees recognized the value of their employees and wanted to ensure that the Kittery Water District continues to be an attractive place to work.”
IBEW 1837 Business Manager Tony Sapienza also participated in the contract bargaining along with Brother Beck.
The 2-year contract agreement includes $2.00 per hour wage increases in each year and maintains 100% health insurance coverage paid for by the Kittery Water District. Other improvements include larger longevity pay increases, increased boot allowances, new mileage and toll reimbursements for use of personal vehicles for District business and an additional personal day added to recognized holidays.
The 15 workers at the Kittery Water District include office staff, filtration plant workers, laborers, meter readers, service technicians and others.