June 13, 2017 - Members of IBEW Local #1837 employed by Eversource NH in the Utility Group have narrowly voted to ratify a new, 3-year contract agreement. Although the Union has a policy against publicly disclosing the exact voting tally, IBEW Local #1837 officials described the outcome as “extremely close.”
Voting took place throughout last week at locations throughout New Hampshire and the ballots were counted Friday evening at the IBEW 1837 office in Dover, New Hampshire. The Union Negotiating Team did not offer a formal recommendation to IBEW 1837 members to approve or reject the... Read More
May 18, 2017 - Workers at AT&T in Maine, New Hampshire and across the country are set to go on because the company refuses to return to the bargaining table. 
21,000 AT&T Mobility workers will be on strike if they do not reach an agreement with the company. They will walk off the job on Friday, May 19 at 3pm and return to work on Monday, May 22.
This greedy company makes huge profits but still wants more concessions from their union workforce - demanding more work for less and trying to replace them with low-wage workers at third party dealers and overseas.
Please consider... Read More
April 14, 2017 - Seven Credit Specialists employed by Eversource in New Hampshire voted in Hooksett today in an election administered by the National Labor Relations Board. By a 6 - 1 margin, they voted to be represented by IBEW Local #1837 for collective bargaining.
The Credit Specialists are often referred to as "Collectors" because their work in the Meter Department requires them to go door-to-door, collecting from customers whose bills are overdue. They also perform meter disconnects. Most of them work out of an Eversource office in Hooksett but others work out of the Area Work Centers in... Read More
February 20, 2017 - Members and retirees from IBEW 1837 joined with their union Brothers and Sisters throughout the Granite State and helped defeat a so-called “Right to Work” bill in the New Hampshire House of Representatives, 200 – 177. By doing so, the state’s Labor Movement overcame tremendous odds in thwarting a top policy priority of new Republican Gov. Chris Sununu, who had GOP majorities in both bodies of the state legislature.
So-called “Right to Work” was narrowly approved by the Senate, 12 – 11, although its passage there was never really in doubt. 
Everyone knew it would... Read More
January 13, 2016 - Brother Robert "Bob" Burns, a beloved Central Maine Power retiree and IBEW 1837 member, passed away this week a few days after a tragic accident. He was 81 years old but had more energy than many people half his age.
Bob remained active in the labor movement and his local community after retirement and was loved and admired by many. Brother Burns was also one of the first members of the IBEW 1837 Retiree Club, and his photo graced literature promoting the group.
"Bob’s kindness, patience, the sparkle in his eye and his dedication to his family and the working people of... Read More
December 22, 2016 - Union and Company negotiators reached agreement this month on a first contract for the Eversource Field Technicians and Specialists. The agreement was ratified overwhelmingly by the Field Techs and is an addendum to the collective bargaining agreement for the Utility Group at New Hampshire’s largest electric utility. 
“I think it is a good agreement for the Field Techs and I’m pleased we were able to include them in our current contract with Eversource,” said Tom Ryan, IBEW 1837 Assistant Business Manager for New Hampshire. “We were able to maintain most of the... Read More
September 29, 2016 - Two IBEW 1837 members working at Central Maine Power have received the highest commendation offered by the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers after rescuing a man trapped inside a burning pickup truck after a crash.
It was an ordinary Thursday afternoon this past June that quickly turned extraordinary when CMP Lineworkers Andrew Grant and Paul Reynolds came upon a car/pole accident in Bridgton, Maine.
"We saw the truck was on its driver's side and was on fire," Brother Reynolds said. "There were secondaries (power lines) down there barking and arcing. (Then)... Read More
August 25, 2016 - Members of IBEW Local 1837 will spend a portion of "Labor's Day" weekend enjoying the company of their Brothers and Sisters from other local unions at exciting events throughout Maine and New Hampshire.
Starting with a BBQ and rally in Waterville, Maine, on Sunday, continuing Monday with celebratory breakfasts in Manchester, New Hampshire and Portland, Maine, and then spreading north throughout the Pine Tree State, workers will gather to listen to music and chow down on fine food all day long.
Please bring your family along and join the fun. Be sure to wear your union T-... Read More
June 21, 2016 - Union members working at the Sea-3 propane terminal facility in Newington, New Hampshire have voted to ratify a 2-Year contract. Voting concluded Monday afternoon on the agreement which will run through June 30, 2018.
All terms and conditions in the previous contract will continue without change. The 10 members of the IBEW 1837 bargaining unit will receive wage increases of 2 ½% each year.
Sea-3 has indicated that they have not been profitable in recent years. A proposed expansion of the Newington rail facility that could expand the work there has been put on hold by Sea-3’s... Read More
June 1, 2016 - Field Technicians A/B/C and Field Technician Specialists working for Eversource in New Hampshire have voted in favor of being represented by IBEW Local #1837 for collective bargaining. There are currently 29 workers in the classifications. They are commonly referred to as “Writers” and are responsible for work associated with the design, maintenance, construction and operation of the Eversource electric distribution system in the Granite State.
The National Labor Relations Board election was conducted by mail because the Field Techs and Specialists work throughout the state in... Read More