Labor's Day 2007 events featured shows of solidarity, lessons in labor history, great music, and politics! And members of IBEW Local 1837 were there to take it all in. A variety of gatherings in New Hampshire and Maine drew hundreds of enthusiastic union members, their families, and their friends.
The New Hampshire AFL-CIO Breakfast in Manchester drew close to 500 people to the St. George Greek Orthodox Church, including the state’s congressional delegation, Governor John Lynch, and Democratic presidential hopefuls Christopher Dodd and Barack Obama. Representing IBEW 1837 at the exciting... Read More
CMP 47 Negotiating Committee Working on Proposals: Negotiating Committee Working on Proposals" CMP 47 Negotiating Committee Working on Proposals: Negotiating Committee Working on ProposalsA majority vote today ratified a first contract for "The 47" CMP employees who voted to join IBEW Local 1837 in January of 2006.
The ratification moves the employees into a new era, that of working under a collective bargaining agreement. While this first contract package fails to fully ameliorate erosion in the group's wages that has taken place since the company was sold several years ago, it establishes... Read More
IBEW 1837 Business Manager Cynthia Phinney participated in a panel presenting testimony to the FCC in a hearing on media ownership on Thursday, June 28, 2007. The hearing was one of several held around the country over the past year for FCC Commissioners to hear directly from people in communities their thoughts and experiences about media ownership and localism. While most of the panelists focussed on local content and community involvement issues, IBEW 1837 has a special relationship with the media. Besides our interest in how well and how thoroughly the media cover labor issues both... Read More

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has issued a Complaint and Notice of Hearing to WGME for engaging in unfair labor practices as a result of a charge by IBEW Local 1837. The charge by the Union was filed on March 19, 2007, after Union Steward Jack Amrock was threatened, intimidated and coerced by WGME management while fulfilling his responsibilities as steward by investigating a possible contract violation. WGME is owned by Sinclair Broadcast Group, Inc. of Hunt Valley, Maryland.
As stated in the NLRB complaint document, the charge stems from the previous September when Brother... Read More
The crowd was addressed by both Congressman Mike Michaud and Congressman Tom Allen, both of whom also spent time chatting with event attendees.
Music was provided by Shawn Mercer in the earlier part of the evening, and the Toughcatswound out the event leading up to the fireworks. Between music acts, "EFCA" man took the stage in a raucous skit featuring a reporter scaring up stories about injustice at Circuit City, the unworkability of the Verizon Sale, and the misdeeds of the senators from Maine in the vote on the Employee Free Choice Act.
Proceeds from the event benefit the... Read More
The Field Technicians and Field Technician Specialists at Public Service Company of New Hampshire (PSNH) have voted to join IBEW Local 1837. 100% of the 35 eligible employees (who are also known as "Writers") participated by mail ballot in the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) election. Representatives of the Union and the Company were on hand as the votes were tallied at the NLRB office in Boston on the morning of July 20, 2007.
The Union's election victory came at the end of a long and difficult campaign. After IBEW filed the petition to represent the "Writers" for the purpose of... Read More
Demonstrator CMP Portland Members of "The 47" at CMP still working to achieve their first contract took to the streets again today, this time in three locations. Allies from the other IBEW bargaining unit at CMP turned out to show their support, as did members of several other unions including the Machinists from Bath Iron Works, IBEW Local 567, IBEW 2327 workers from Verizon, the Maine AFL-CIO, the Newspaper Guild, and the Maine AFL-CIO. Spirited demonstrators walked the line between 6 and 7 before heading to work in Augusta, Portland, and Lewiston. The Negotiating Committee meets again... Read More
The Regional Director of the National Labor Relations Board has determined that a system-wide unit would be appropriate for Field Technicians and Field Technician Specialists (also known as “Writers”) at Public Service Company of New Hampshire (PSNH), the state’s largest electrical utility. IBEW Local 1837 had petitioned for such a unit, only to have it challenged by an attorney for PSNH who sought to have the 33 employees divided into 13 or 14 separate bargaining units
Monday and Tuesday, June 18 & 19, local workers and labor and community leaders across Maine and New Hampshire gathered outside the offices of our U.S. Senators to call on them to vote for the Employee Free Choice Act -- legislation that would make it more difficult for employers to thwart workers’ efforts to form unions to bargain for better wages and benefits. Members of the New Hampshire and Maine AFL-CIOs and Central Labor Councils, community activists and workers will gather for rallies in Manchester, New Hampshire and Augusta, Bangor, Lewiston and Portland in Maine.
“The... Read More
Union members at CMP wore red last Tuesday in support of the "CMP 47", the bargaining unit that was certified in January of 2006 and is still working to negotiate their first contract. Approximately 600 employees of CMP already belong to the union and have worked under a collective bargaining agreement with the Company for decades. In 2005 a group of fourteen Dispatchers joined the union and negotiated a supplement to the existing agreement. When the new group of 47, many of them professional employees, voted in 2006 to join the union, the Company insisted that they intended to negotiate an... Read More