What can seven members at a unit meeting do? (Besides come up with good ideas about things to put on a union t-shirt). They can VOTE. Unit members may want to make a motion to recommend something to the executive board. Unit members get to nominate people for elected union positions. Most actions of the Executive Board aren’t final unless the members vote to approve them. BUT……..The IBEW Constitution defines a quorum for union meetings as seven members. So if there aren’t seven members present there isn’t a quorum and we can discuss anything we want to but we won’t get to vote.
So –... Read More
IBEW Local 1837 members are teaming up with our brothers and sisters from other AFL-CIO unions to fight for a brighter future for workers across the United States. Now is a great time to make your union voice heard loud and clear as we prepare to elect a new President as well as other representatives at the federal, state and local level. In fact, Maine and New Hampshire have been identified as two of the six “battleground states” with competitive races that could impact the balance of power in the U.S. Senate.
The last eight years have seen an unprecedented attack on the rights of workers... Read More
Nashua City Hall, site of the first day of hearings. Public Service Company of New Hampshire has challenged the right of Working Foremen in the Line Department to be represented by IBEW before the National Labor Relations Board. In six days of hearings beginning in Nashua on January 7th and ending in Boston on the 17th, the Company sought to portray the Working Foremen as an integral part of their management team while the Union strongly defended the right of these workers to join IBEW.
Under the terms of the National Labor Relations Act, labor unions may not represent “... Read More
Waiting for the Last Ballot Team to Come In

IBEW 1837 members at FPL Energy Maine today ratified a new contract by a comfortable margin.
With wages structured to create incentives for training, the new contract restructures the way employees move through their career paths by allowing advancement to higher classifications immediately when employees obtain the required skills, without having to wait for openings.
The package contains commitments from the Company for training, adjusts the way hours are calculated for overtime pay, and makes several minor modifications to other... Read More
Twenty Working Foremen at three Public Service Company of New Hampshire Area Work Centers in the Southern Division may soon be represented by IBEW Local 1837. Working Foremen at the Derry, Hooksett and Milford AWCs have authorized the Union to represent them for the purpose of collective bargaining.
Certification of Representative Petitions were filed with the National Labor Relations Board office in Boston on Friday, December 21, 2007. The NLRB is expected to schedule elections for the three bargaining units sometime early in February 2008, pending a possible challenge to the Union... Read More
Each year, the Union Plus Scholarship program offers college scholarship money to union members and their dependents. Applications for the 2008 program are now available and the deadline to apply is January 31.
You can find out more about the program and download an application at theUnion Plus website.

WGME-TV 13 offices in Portland.The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) will be issuing a second Complaint and Notice of Hearing to WGME for engaging in unfair labor practices as a result of a charge by IBEW Local 1837. The Union charged that the Company “restrained and coerced employees” by unlawfully requiring them to participate in interviews with their Employer in preparation for a trial on an earlier Complaint. Such a requirement would be a violation of a member’s rights under the National Labor Relations Act. WGME would not agree to a settlement on this new case, leading to the... Read More

IBEW Local 1837 members at Bangor Hydro will no longer face the possibility of being fired for failing to follow the Company’s new “tobacco-free workplace” policy prohibiting use of tobacco products while at work or on company property. This after BHE agreed to remove termination of employment from the final step of disciplinary procedures for failure to comply with the new rules. The original policy went beyond a prohibition on smoking and also included the use of smokeless tobacco products.

“Bangor Hydro has agreed to a much more clear and reasonable definition of where tobacco... Read More
The Current is distributed quarterly by IB
Highlights include:
The CMP 47 Ratify Their First Contract
NH Co-op Members Ratify Five-Year Agreement
Companies Playing The Role of Parents: Attack on Tobacco Use
Labor Day Festivities Stories and Photos from ME & NH
Legislative Update: RESPECT Act
Download the Fall 2007 issue of The Current by clicking the attachment below.
EW 1837 stewards at worksites. You can also download the most recent edition here.
With the holiday shopping season bearing down on us, you have a chance to support Union principles while buying great gifts for family and friends. By selecting Union-made gifts, you’ll help make the holidays even happier for other working people, their families and their communities. What’s more, you know that gifts made by union workers are of the highest quality, so you can feel good about doing good.
Another great way to shop is to look for products that are Fair Trade certified (TM). Fair Trade advocates work to promote labor, environmental, and social policy standards to benefit... Read More