Inside IBEW 1837

CSR's at Eversource in NH Make Second Bid to Join Union

UPDATE: July 8, 2015 - The final result of the NLRB election was a narrow Union loss 64 - 60. As a result these workers will continue to be unrepresented employees of Eversource.

June 29, 2015 - A majority of the Customer Service Representatives at Eversource Customer Experience in Manchester, New Hampshire (also known as the "Call Center") have signed union authorization cards to be represented by IBEW Local #1837. An election to certify the Union as their bargaining representative will be administered by the National Labor Relations Board on Wednesday, July 8.

Popular Eversource System Electrician Retires After 45 Years

August 26, 2015 - It would be hard to find someone at Eversource more well-liked than Tom Rzasa, a System Electrician at 1250 Hooksett Rd. T&D who retired at the end of July after 45 years with the Company. A friendly and easy-going guy, Brother Rzasa has seen a lot of changes since he started at New Hampshire’s largest electric utility in 1970.

Union Members Celebrate Labor's Day in New Hampshire and Maine

September 1, 2015 - The first Monday in September is a day for workers: Labor's Day. It's a popular time for union members and their families to possibly enjoy one last taste of summer while taking stock of the many challenges facing working people today. Special guest speakers and awards are part of the program at some events sponsored by the two State AFL-CIO's and some Central Labor Councils.

IBEW 1837 Member’s Daughter Diagnosed with Rare Form of Leukemia; Union Encouraging Donations for Family

December 21, 2015 - The young daughter of an IBEW 1837 member will be spending this Christmas in the hospital suffering from a rare form of leukemia. Jazzlyn Giuffrida just celebrated her first birthday this month and is a patient at the Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital in Portland.

IBEW 1837's Ray Colello Steps Down After Nearly 25 Years as President

January 6, 2016 - Throughout the years, first as a Union Steward and Chief Steward in the 70’s and then as a Union Executive Board Representative throughout the 80’s, leading to his role as President of IBEW Local #1837 beginning in 1991, Ray Colello has always been a devout and dedicated trade unionist. His decision last month to pass the baton to Vice President Bill Tarallo to finish out his term was one he made because he thought it would be best for the Union.

IBEW Founders Scholarship Available for Members

The IBEW Founders' Scholarship honors the dedicated wiremen and linemen who, on November 28, 1891, organized the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. Each year the officers of the IBEW are pleased to offer its working members scholarships on a competitive basis. It is hoped that the awards will not only contribute to the personal development of our members but also steward the electrical industry that our founders envisioned.

Renee Gilman Joins IBEW 1837 Union Staff as Business Representative

February 29, 2016 - After nearly 20 years as an IBEW union member employed by Bangor Hydro and its successor company Emera Maine, Renee Gilman is now working for Local #1837 as a Business Representative. The newly-created Business Representative position is part of a staff restructuring plan proposed by Business Manager Dick Rogers and approved by the IBEW 1837 Executive Board following the recent retirement of Assistant Business Manager Bill Dunn.

IBEW 1837 Members Elect Delegates to International


March 4, 2016 - Members of IBEW Local #1837 have elected delegates to represent them at the 39th IBEW International Convention in St. Louis. The delegates (in alphabetical order) are Pat Cote, Renee Gilman, Jeff Huckins, and Pamela Paquette.

Business Manager Dick Rogers and President Bill Tarallo will also represent the Local by virtue of their elected office in the Union.

Complete election results are available in the Members Only section by Clicking Here.

New Owner, New Contract for IBEW Members at Granite Ridge

March 25, 2016 - An 18-month collective bargaining agreement for 20 members of IBEW 1837 working at Granite Ridge has been ratified and will go into effect on Sunday, March 27, 2016. It’s the first contract for the union local with Calpine Corporation, a Houston-based generator of electricity from natural gas and geothermal resources with more than 80 power plants.

IBEW 1837 Member Seeks Kidney Donor

May 9, 2016 - It has been five years since IBEW 1837 member Bob Amos was first diagnosed with end stage renal failure. In April 2010, he found out that he would need a kidney transplant.

Brother Amos started working for PSNH on St. Patrick’s Day in 2001. The 58-year-old Schiller Equipment Operator needs to undergo dialysis treatments three times per week. The Rochester, New Hampshire resident is now on the waiting list for the Maine Transplant Program at Maine Medical Center in Portland.

Sea-3 Members of IBEW 1837 Ratify 2-Year Contract

June 21, 2016 - Union members working at the Sea-3 propane terminal facility in Newington, New Hampshire have voted to ratify a 2-Year contract. Voting concluded Monday afternoon on the agreement which will run through June 30, 2018.

All terms and conditions in the previous contract will continue without change. The 10 members of the IBEW 1837 bargaining unit will receive wage increases of 2 ½% each year.
