Welcome to IBEW 1837

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 1837 is proud to represent approximately 1,600 working men and women all over Maine and New Hampshire. Most of our members work at electric utilities or broadcasting stations throughout the two states. We work at companies such as Central Maine Power, Eversource in New Hampshire, and WGME-TV 13, just to name a few! IBEW Union Local 1837 maintains two offices to better serve our members—one in Manchester, Maine and the other in Manchester, New Hampshire. The office in Maine includes a separate building with a conference room and meeting area for union programs and training sessions.

The latest drive for “right-to-work” in New Hampshire crashed into the brick wall of the state’s labor movement in February, as the IBEW and fellow unions overcame a huge Republican majority to defeat the bill for the 40th time.
"It was the heaviest lift of my career,” said state AFL-CIO President Glenn Brackett, former business manager of Manchester, N.H., Local 2320. “We started out 44 votes upside-down, and we ended up winning by 20.”
From campaign resources to member participation, Brackett said, the IBEW’s help was invaluable.
“The IBEW Second District really carried the day,” he said. “... Read More
Two “Right to Work” (RTW) bills have reemerged in Maine and New Hampshire, potentially undermining the strength of labor unions that protect workers’ wages, benefits, and rights.  In Maine, the Legislature will hold a public hearing on Monday, February 12, on a bill that aims to weaken collective bargaining. Meanwhile, across the border, New Hampshire lawmakers are set to vote on a similar measure on Tuesday, February 13.
Maine “Right to Work” Bill – (LD187)
The Maine bill, backed by a handful of Republican legislators, seeks to strip unions of essential funding and bargaining power.... Read More
We will be holding a combined meeting for Units 6, 7, 8, and 9 on Wednesday, February 19th at 7 p.m. via Zoom. This gathering is an opportunity for Central Maine Power members to connect and receive general updates.
A Zoom link was emailed to members at CMP on February 6 and will be resent closer to February 19. If you do not have the link or are unable to locate it, please reach out to the IBEW office at union@ibew1837.org.
Make sure to download or update the Zoom application before the meeting to avoid any technical issues. 
If you are not a member at CMP, but belong to Units 6 (... Read More
Due to upcoming negotiations with Central Maine Power, there will be changes to the unit meeting schedule for the start of 2025.  
Click here for the schedule

January 2025: Unit 6 and Unit 7 meetings are canceled. Unit 8 and Unit 9 meetings will proceed as scheduled.
February and March 2025: Meetings for Unit 6, Unit 7, Unit 8, and Unit 9 will be combined and held on Zoom.  The date, time, and Zoom link will be shared via email prior to the meetings.

If you have questions or need assistance, please reach out to your steward or the Local 1837 office.
Members of IBEW Local 1837 at WGME-TV (CBS 13) gathered near the television station in Portland in early December for an informational picket. The members, which include Photographers, News Producers, Directors, News Editors, Assignment Editors, Operating Technicians, Maintenance Engineers, and Creative Producers, are fighting for better pay and working conditions in their contract negotiations with Sinclair Broadcast Group.
The picket, held on Washington Avenue near the corner of Allen Avenue, was prompted by Sinclair’s willingness to meet only once since early September. While holding signs... Read More
Unit meetings for IBEW Local 1837 are back after a brief break.  Members had voted in late spring or early summer to temporarily suspend their meetings during the traditional summer vacation months. While most begin in September, Units 6 and 7 will start in October.
There are eleven-unit meetings held each month throughout New Hampshire and Maine for our members to attend.
Many of these meetings will continue to be held at their regular times and locations, but there are a few changes:

Unit 3, Laconia will resume in September, and will be held at 4:00 p.m. and will alternate... Read More
The New Hampshire AFL-CIO is once again offering the Linda Horan Scholarship Program for the 2024-2025 academic year, which aims to address the rising costs of higher education while honoring the memory of Sister Linda Horan, a dedicated member of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) and former Chair of the Scholarship Committee. Sister Linda, who battled cancer and passed away in 2016, had a profound commitment to supporting the next generation and creating opportunities for their educational pursuits.
More information including an application can be found on... Read More
Following a vote by the members, unit meetings in IBEW Local 1837 are temporarily suspended for the 2024 summer season.  
To see the Summer 2024 Schedule: click here
While this temporary suspension is in effect, we want to assure you we remain committed to maintaining open lines of communication and meeting the needs of all our members. We encourage you to contact the local union for any assistance you may require during this time.
IBEW Local 1837 members at Versant ratified a 3-year collective bargaining agreement in early July after federal mediation was brought in to help the Union and the Company bridge remaining gaps during negotiations. The contract includes significant improvements to wages, benefits, working conditions, and a key victory in protecting job security.
All classifications will see general wage increases of 4% in 2025, 3% in 2026, and 3% in 2027. In addition, several positions will see market adjustments.
"These targeted market adjustments are crucial to remaining competitive in the labor market,"... Read More
IBEW Local 1837 member Greg Middleton, a first-class lineworker at Versant Power, has been selected as the 2024 Shop Steward of the Year by a special committee at the Maine AFL-CIO. Middleton received his award at the upcoming COPE Convention Awards Banquet on Thursday, June 27, in Auburn. He was nominated for the award by members of IBEW Local 1837.
“Greg embodies everything one could hope for in a union member and steward,” IBEW Local 1837 wrote in its nomination. “His proactive approach and relentless support for his co-workers make him an exemplary candidate for this recognition.”... Read More