IBEW Local 1837's new office in Manchester, NH

The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 1837, which represents over 1,600 members throughout Maine and New Hampshire, relocated its New Hampshire office from Dover to Manchester in February 2023. The local will continue to maintain its primary office in Central Maine near Augusta.
IBEW Local 1837's previous office in Dover, New Hampshire, had served as a hub for the organization's operations for many years. However, this new office at 84 Bay Street, which is situated on the first floor of a historic property built in the 1880’s, is more centrally located for IBEW... Read More
2023 is an election year for IBEW Local #1837. This spring and summer we will be electing union officers and representatives including the following: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Business Manager/Financial Secretary, and Executive Board Representatives for each of the eleven units as well as Chair, Vice Chair, and Recording Secretary for each of the eleven units.
Nominations will take place at the April Unit meetings. Check our website calendar at www.ibew1837.org, download a meeting schedule flier, or call the union office at 207-623-1030 for meeting times and... Read More

File photo: Chief Steward Ed Goodale on dam in West Buxton in 2013.

February 22, 2023 - IBEW 1837 members at Brookfield have ratified a new 4-year contract agreement with annual pay increases for every member and additional vacation time for most employees. Voting took place on February 1 at multiple locations. The new agreement runs through February 28, 2027.
Members will receive an $8,000 ratification bonus and annual pay increases of 3%, 3.25%, 3.25% and 3.25%. The minimum straight-time call-out was increased to five hours and the contract establishes a two-hour straight-time call-out for solving issues over the phone after hours. Production Clerks... Read More

Kevin Young (second from left) joined by IBEW Lifesaving Award recipients Dan Morin, Steve Sager and Scott Madore. Cameron Bragg (not pictured) also received an award.

Versant Maine Members Use CPR and AED Skills to Help Save a Co-Worker:
Cameron Bragg, Scott Madore, Danny Morin and Steve Sager are Lineworkers from Versant Maine who performed lifesaving CPR measures on fellow IBEW 1837 member Kevin Young. Brother Young had suffered an apparent heart attack in Presque Isle on February 2, 2022 and was found crouched down in a snowbank on the side of the road. The actions of the four lineworkers have been recognized by the IBEW International Safety Department with Lifesaving Awards.
Brother Cameron Bragg told IBEW that it was an incredible coincidence that... Read More

Brother Vaughn Bridges admires his new "IBEW retiree" pin presented to him by a member of the Local 1837's staff late last year.

January 9, 2023 - Vaughn Bridges has retired from Central Maine Power after an incredible 64 years working for Maine’s largest electric utility. The 86-year-old Service Worker 2/C had the longest tenure of any member of IBEW Local 1837 and apparently worked longer than anybody for any Avangrid affiliate.
“As far as I know, nobody from Spain, Japan or anywhere has worked as long,” Brother Bridges said. “When they were handing out service pins, that’s when they realized it.”
Starting out as a Meter Reader Apprentice in Bucksport in 1958, Bridges worked many jobs at CMP, moving to the Belfast... Read More

Kittery Water District Service Technician Matthew Crosby casts his contract vote ballot in the District’s garage.

December 14, 2022 - IBEW 1837 members at the Kittery Water District have ratified a new 2-year contract agreement with improvements in wages and benefits and without any concessions. The District’s trustees, who actively participated in the negotiations along with the District Superintendent, must formally approve the agreement when they meet on December 21.
“We’re grateful to negotiating team members Linda Johnson, Matthew Crosby, and Brandon Woods for the time and effort they put into negotiating an excellent contract,” said IBEW 1837 Organizer and Business Representative Matt Beck. “To... Read More


September 13, 2022 - Unitil Lead Line Technician Don Palmer went for his DOT physical and was told by the doctor, “Hey, you’re getting a little heavy.” 224 pounds, to be exact.
“That check-up was a real eye-opener,” Palmer said. “I ate a lot of awful stuff and started eating better including getting rid of the beer and soda.”
He got more active and started losing weight, first some Spartan Races and... Read More
New Mailing Address for IBEW Local #1837 Maine Office
We haven’t moved but we are now asking everyone to direct USPS mail to our new P.O. Box. Please send U.S.mail to IBEW Local #1837, P.O. Box 457, Manchester, ME 04351. And don’t forget to update your mailing address, email addresses, or phone numbers if they change by calling the union office at 207-623-1030 or email union@ibew1837.org.
New E-Board Members Join Leadership Team
Arthur Cornelissen has stepped down from the E-Board and Anita Libby and John Heald have retired. We congratulate them on their service to the Union and... Read More
June 30, 2022 - IBEW 1837 members at Sea-3 approved a two-year contract in June with 5% wage increases each year, July 2022 and July 2023. The agreement includes Sunday premium increases to $10 per hour and boot allowance increases to $150 per year. There are no changes to the health plan and the cost sharing. 
The sick plan is changing to a personal day plan. There will also be a transition from the existing pension savings plan into the union-sponsored National Electrical Annuity Plan.
Sea-3 is a crucial component of the energy distribution system in New England, and one of only about... Read More
IBEW 1837 members at CBS affiliate WABI-TV approved a new 18-month agreement with 2½% increases in January 2022 and in January 2023. Some members also received wage adjustments.
“I’m grateful to Assistant Business Manager Renee Gilman for her assistance during these negotiations as well as union member Jordan Verge from WABI-TV,” said IBEW 1837 Organizer and Business Representative Matt Beck.
The unusual length of the contract was to allow station owner Gray Television to determine how they wish to proceed with the creation of a new job classification called “Technical Media Producer” that... Read More