February 9, 2021 - Anti-union politicians in Concord and out-of-state special interest groups are back at it again. They’re trying to cut wages and benefits for union members by supporting more deceptively titled “Right to Work” legislation, Senate Bill 61.
Right to Work should be called “Right to Work for Less!” It doesn’t create any jobs or give anybody rights. It simply undermines the ability of working people to join together in strong unions by attacking their unions’ financial health. When unions are undermined in this way, wages, benefits and safety for workers all suffer as a result... Read More
February 8, 2021 - A union organizing campaign by registered nurses at Maine’s largest hospital has captured the attention of union members and hospital patients throughout Northern New England. It also has earned a rare public endorsement from IBEW Local Union #1837.
“We’re proud to stand with the registered nurses at Maine Medical Center as they join together to form their union,” said Michelle Crocker, President of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local #1837. “Our local union E-Board, made up entirely of rank-and-file union members from our represented companies... Read More
December 30, 2020 - At least one good thing has come out of a very bad year: Workers at the Kittery Water District have overwhelmingly ratified their first contract with IBEW Local #1837. The 15 workers at the water utility include office staff, filtration plant workers, laborers, meter readers, service technicians and others.
“We’re grateful to negotiating team members Linda Johnson, Matthew Crosby, and Brandon Woods for the time and effort they put into making this a good first contract,” said IBEW 1837 Organizer and Business Representative Matt Beck. “The contract guarantees that they will... Read More
November 10, 2020 - The Covid-19 pandemic has forced the relocation, postponement or cancellation of some meetings. Please contact your steward, the union office, or log on to www.ibew1837.org before driving.
IBEW 1837 is exploring other options for Units that have lost their meeting locations. Union staff is available to meet on an as-needed basis where meetings are cancelled. Please wear a mask when meeting at indoor locations.
You can download and print an updated schedule here.
Unit 1, Dover: Fourth Tuesday at 5:00 p.m.
Comfort Inn & Suites, #10 Hotel Drive, Dover NH... Read More
Stewards at Granite Shore Power: Adam Morin and Michael Bowen
IBEW 1837 has joined Brookfield Renewables and the Kennebec River Alliance in a bid to prevent the removal of dams on the Kennebec River where our members work generating electricity. A proposal to amend Maine’s Kennebec River Management Plan and remove at least two and eventually as many as four dams has been withdrawn. That apparent victory for dam supporters was just one step in a complicated and hard to follow licensing process.
First, Maine’s Department of Marine Resources (MDMR) said removing the Lockwood Dam in Waterville and the Shawmut Dam in Fairfield would allow 99% of endangered... Read More
Central Maine Power Members Ratify 4-Year Contract
IBEW members working at Central Maine Power voted to approve a new collective bargaining agreement with guaranteed wage increases and annual bonus payments, and without significant concessions of any kind. Voting took place at 15 different locations throughout the state on Wednesday, May 5th. The contract takes effect immediately and runs through April 30, 2025.
“The ratification of the new 4-... Read More
Featuring these headline stories and more:
Union Celebrates Successful Organizing Drives
Contract Agreements and Extensions
Brookfield Reorganization and Black Bear Hydro Purchase
AMR Agreement for Affected Meter Readers at PSNH
Proposals Subcommittee Starts Review for CMP Negotiations
Click here for full issue.
Featuring these headline stories and more:
Gubernatorial Contests are Top Labor Concern
Union Continues to Demonstrate Benefits
Members Elect Local Union Leaders
New Contract Agreements Reached
PSNH Changes Will Affect Some Members
Click here for full issue..
Featuring these headline stories and more:
Eversource: Eversource Generation Divestiture & Contract (page 1)
Emera: New Contract Agreement Ratified  (page 1)
NextEra: New Contract Agreement Ratified (page 2)
WGME & WPFO-TV: New Contract Agreement Ratified (page 3)
IBEW 1837: Laurie Kelley Named New Office Manager (page 4)
Eversource: Union Member Elected Manchester Alderman (page 6)
Eversource: Member Tom Rzasa Retires after 45 Years (page 6)
Sea-3: Union Offers Support for Propane Facility Expansion (page 6)
Click here for full issue